
We provide reliable protection for your business and solve legal problems of any complexity!
The success of clients and the comprehensive protection of their rights and interests are the main task of AC & Partners Law Firm from the first day of its activity. For over ten years we have been providing legal representation, engaged in registration services and professional legal support of business.

During this time:

  • in disputes with second-tier banks of the order of more than $ 650,000 was recovered as damages, and the amount of banks' claims was reduced;
  • more than 300 court decisions were made in favor of the clients of the AC & Partners Law Firm;
  • over 500 companies have been officially registered.

Among the company's customers are dozens of the largest enterprises and hundreds of individuals from Kazakhstan, Europe, Asia and the countries of the former Soviet Union, who have received really high-quality legal protection.

The company's legal practice is over

15 years
Law firm "AC & Partners" - always helps!
Janiyazova Aigul founder of AC and Partners Law Firm
Our principles
We are not afraid of difficulties and bear full responsibility to the client. A sober and comprehensive assessment of the existing problem allows, even at the consultation stage, to indicate the approximate result of its possible solution. Law firm "AC & Partners" opposes empty promises. In our person you will find a reliable and professional legal assistant who, in his work, always aims at maximum results. In addition, the most important principles for the AC & Partners Law Firm are:
  • honesty and transparency;
  • strict confidentiality;
  • efficiency and reliability;
  • the desire to constantly expand the range of legal services provided and improve their quality;
  • delicacy in solving any issues that arise.
At the same time, AC & Partners Law Firm conducts an extremely affordable pricing policy. We enthusiastically undertake complex and non-standard tasks, providing clients with high-quality and comprehensive legal protection. Positive reviews of many appreciative customers are the best assessment of the quality of the services provided! 70% of customers contact us again.
What do you get as a result of applying to the services of our company?
Responsibility to the client is our priority; therefore, we accept work for which we can guarantee assistance, and we do not give promises to our clients that cannot be fulfilled.

Our package of services covers a wide range of services for business entities from creation, maintenance, obtaining permits, legal representation to business transformation and its liquidation.

Responsibility to the client is our priority; therefore, we accept work for which we can guarantee assistance, and we do not give promises to our clients that cannot be fulfilled.

Our package of services covers a wide range of services for business entities from creation, maintenance, obtaining permits, legal representation to business transformation and its liquidation.